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先日紹介した「iPhone×Music」、予約していただけましたか? さっそく10数名の方が予約を入れてくださったようで、感謝感激です。発売が待ち遠しい… 一方でどんなレビューがつくのか怖いなぁ、という気持ちも正直あります。
RjDj です!
今回は、永野・金子の二人によるレビューだけにとどまらず、RjDj開発元へのインタビューを行いました!お話を聞かせてくれたのは、プロジェクトの最初期のメンバーで、RjDjの開発を統括するで、Gunter Geiger氏です。ここでは本に収録されているインタビューの一部を本から転載するとともに、原文の全文を紹介します!!
“iPhone×Music iPhoneが予言する「いつか音楽と呼ばれるもの」”
(徳井 直生, 永野 哲久, 金子 智太郎)
(Gunter Geiger: G) 技術面での最大の進展と言えば、やはりポータブルデバイスのサイズと計算能力でしょう。あともう一つ、テクノロジーとは関係ない面もありますが、こういったデバイスがメインストリームになりはじめているということも付け加えなければなりません。昨今、だれもがmp3の入った携帯電話をもっています。いずれ近いうちに、RjDjシーンを再生できる電話をみなが持つようになればと願っています。
自作のシーンを追加できるようにする予定はありますか? それとも、一定のクオリティを保つためにオープンにはしないつもりでしょうか? RjDjをシーンを売るためのプラットフォームとして考えていますか?
(G) オープンにします。RjDjはもともとオープンなプラットフォームとしてつくられたものです。現時点でシーンが追加できないのは、iPhone上でのシーンの配布に関して未解決の問題があったからです。App Storeを介さない方法でiPhoneの上にコンテンツを入れるのは、一筋縄ではいきません。Appleだったら話は別ですが。
(G) そうですね。今、ちょうど複数の大物アーティストと交渉中です。近いうちにリリースの計画もあります。
sprint (RjDjのsceneを作るワークショップ) を日本で開く予定はありますか? 楽しみにしているのですが。
(G) 地元でサポートしてくれる人が必要です。あとは日程を決めて、やるだけですね! 日本でsprintができたら最高です!
(G) Bloomは大好きです。すばらしいアプリケーションです。ブライアン・イーノの考えは、RjDjのコンセプトと一致していると思っています。競争というわけではありません。
RjDjやBloomのような音楽ソフトウェアが一般化したら、レコード会社はどうなるでしょう? ミュージシャンの友達にギターやPro Toolsは捨てて、プログラミングを勉強するように勧めるべきでしょうか?
(G) いや、そんなことはないでしょう。サンプリングしたアコースティック楽器の音を使ったシーンも作りました。他の音楽アプリケーションと比較して、RjDjの長所はマイクを使っているという点です。生音は電子音楽をより人間的にします。あなたの友達には、Pro Toolsは捨てる必要はないけど、もう一歩踏み込んでみようとお伝えください。(Pdの)プログラムを学んでRjDjに音を入れてみたらどうでしょうか?
お忙しい中、質問に答えてくれたGeigerさん、ありがとうございました。Thank you very much, Gunter.
I read an article on RjDj website, which said you came up with the
idea of RjDj back in 1999. How did you come up with the idea? How
different is the current version from the original idea?
RjDj is a very open system. Although I can’t exactly tell what Michael had
in mind when he
did the first tests for RjDj, I think that it is maybe that openness that
is different from the
original idea. Those who know the power of PureData and Max can maybe see
what I want to
say with that. With RjDj we have a musical platform for portable devices
that can be used
in a creative way and expandend in every direction.
The article also said that you turned down the idea because of the
immaturity of the technology available at that time. What’s the
biggest improvement in terms of technology, which made RjDj feasible?
The main technical improvements are the size and the power of protable
devices. One aspect that
should be mentioned and is not strictly technical is that just now these
portable devices start to be mainstream, almost everyone has a phone with
mp3 nowadays, soon most of these phones will be able to playback RjDj
scenes, we hope.
You defined “Reactive Music” as “a genre of music using sensory input
to generate and control the music you are listening to”. I feel like
you intentionally avoid the word “interactive” that people often use.
Do you have any explanations? What is the difference?
For us “interaction” is something where the user has to act in order to
influence the music. We call it reactive music because it not only reacts
to the input of the user but also to the environment that surrounds him.
The listener does not really interact with RjDj (although you can write
interactive scenes) but most of the time the music is generated as a
reaction to your environment. Thats why we call it reactive music.
Do you have any future plans to release scenes, which react to other
inputs than microphones and accelerometers.
Yes. And its not only us who can release scenes.
Why did you chose PureData as a platform?
I have plenty of experience with Pure Data through my PDa project. And
then, pure data is so flexible and expandable that it seemed to be a good
choice. We are trying to create a new kind of music and it is not easy to
foresee where it will be heading to in the future. We want to give to
artists the most powerfull tool we can imagine. We are also planning to
release a library on top of Pure Data which will make it a lot easier for
non-PD or Max programmers to write scenes.
Do you have any plans to make it possible for users to add their own
scenes on RjDj?
Or do you keep it closed to maintain the quality of scenes and try to
use RjDj as a platform to sell scenes? In the later case, do you pay
to the authors of the scenes?
We will not keep it closed to maintain quality. RjDj is meant as an open
platform, the fact that it looks closed at the moment is because we had to
solve some problems regarding distribution of scenes on the iPhone. It is
not straightforward to put contents on the iPhone if you are not apple,
except through the Appstore, which is pretty open to do this. And authors
of scenes can also choose to sell their scenes through our upcoming
I think “scenes” by big names like Bjork and Radiohead would be cool.
Is such a thing on your future roadmap?
Yes, we are talking with several “big names” and are planning to release
something soon.
Are you interested in making an open environment, such as PureData for
iPhone, which enables users to make and run their own PureData patches
RjDj is exaclty this. As I said, the main problem that we are trying to
solve now, and which is not that easy is how to get the scenes onto the
iPhone. But I can tell you, we have solved it and a future release will
hopefully attract lots of creative users who want to make scenes.
PureData is an open-source programming environment. So, in theory,
other geeks like me;) CAN make their own version of RjDj on iPhone.
How do you respond to this if it happens?
I think this is not a problem, because RjDj is already an open
environment. So the question is rather why would someone want to do
something like this, and not just instead write scenes for RjDj.
My friends in Japan and I are really looking forward to having a
“sprint” in Japan!! Any plans?
We need someone who supports us locally, the next step would be to try to
fix a date and go for it. A sprint in Japan would be great.
I guess people often try to compare RjDj to Brian Eno’s Bloom. What do
you think about Bloom?
I like bloom a lot. It is a nice application. I do not see it as a
competition, but for me the ideas of Brian Eno are very much in line with
the ideas of RjDj. RjDj is more generic though and I bet that people will
soon generate Bloom like scenes for RjDj. That would be great because I
think we can create wonderful music using the ideas of generative
I think what you and Eno are trying to do is to propose a new genre of
music and also a new way of distributing music. Do you think music
softwares like RjDj and Bloom will be common?
Yes we hope so. In fact we hope to be able to set a standard, some sort of
format that can be used in order to create this new kind of music. I also
think that there is still a lot to explore with these kind of systems.
RjDj wants to help with that and foment “reactive music”
If so, what about record companies? Should I try to convince my
musician friends to forget about guitar and/or protools and start
learning programming? ;-)
Haven’ t you done that already during your years of teaching max ? :)
No, seriously. We already made RjDJ scene with sampled acoustic
instruments and one advantage of RjDj over other music applications is the
usage of the microphone. Live sound makes electronic music more human, so
tell your friend to not forget protools, but to go a step further, learn
to program and put their sounds on RjDj.
I think it would be great if I can “scrobble” scenes I’m listening to.
Is there any chance to have audioscrobbler features for Last.fm on RjDj?
We are working on a framework like this. Basically what we are planning to
do is to scrobble scenes and recordings of scenes. One important aspect of
RjDj is that the user can be creative and make a unique musical
contribution to RjDJ by recording a scene in his environment.
What was the biggest headaches in your developmental process?
CoreAudio API?? :-)
:) Yes. Sort of. What we are trying to do was not something that apple
thought people might want to do with the iphone. If you program under
these conditions you always face problems that you do not see with
standard applications. We need lots of CPU too.
What do you think the most fascinating feature of iPhone from a
developer’s point of view.
For me being someone who comes from a Unix environment I appreciate the
clean OS interfaces. This makes it a lot easier to develop for the iPhone
than doing it for, lets say, Symbian.
In general the iPhone is well made and using the hardware features like
touchscreen and accelerometer is really easy. And, the iphone CPU is
really fast compared to other phone CPUs.
That helps a lot if you want to do real time audio processing like we do.
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