[update] freesoundsearch Max/MSP external
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2016.10 One guy contacted me about this max object and it turned out that this object is not compatible with freesound.org's OAuth2 authentication. If you still want to integrate freesound search into your max patch, you should take a look at Stefen Brunner's Elevator Music Generator patch, in which he brilliantly used the built-in web browser to handle OAuth redirect process. Thanks freesound.orgがOAuth2を採用したため、freesoundsearchオブジェクトは利用できません. freesoundの検索をMaxパッチの中で使いたい場合は、Stefen BrunnerさんのElevator Music Generatorパッチを参考にしてください。
I did a quick hack for freesoundsearch Max/MSP external object to cope with recent changes in freesound.org API.
Here is a new beta version. Please try it and let me know if it works.
DISCONTINUED – I found that I had a wrong configuration of Xcode and the external runs only on Leopard. Here is a Tiger compatible version.
freesound.orgの音源を検索/ダウンロードするためのMax/MSPエクスターナルオブジェクト freesoundsearchをアップデートしました。freesound.orgのAPIの変化に対応させただけなので、使い方は何も変わっていません。上のリンクからダウンロードしてお試しください!!
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