M4L.Rhythm2Bass Ableton Live device — “Translating” rhythm patterns into basslines


M4L.Rhythm2Bass Ableton Live device

Prototyping an M4L device that “translates” rhythm patterns into corresponding basslines. The device uses a seq-to-seq model, normally used for language translation tasks, trained on house music MIDI files containing both drum patterns and bass lines.

Translations between two different “languages”

The basic assumption behind this device is the following: A drum pattern and its corresponding bass line, they are speaking the same rhythmical concept in two different languages.

The device and source code are available on our GitHub page.

Reference:  Behzad Haki, & Jorda, S. (2019). A Bassline Generation System Based on Sequence-to-Sequence Learning. Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression, 204–209. http://www.nime.org/proceedings/2019/nime2019_040.pdf